When you’re looking to build a commercial or residential location, you may find the land use and zoning regulations can be exceptionally challenging to navigate. To add to the confusion, you’ll discover that the laws differ from town to town. As such, it’s essential to enlist the assistance of an experienced Austin, Texas real estate development lawyer who can help you through this process. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with zoning and typical regulations in Texas that you should be aware of.

What Is Zoning?

Zoning is a means of planning and regulating cities and towns. Essentially, it ensures that businesses and commercial real estate locations operate in a specific location, away from residential real estate. Not only does this prevent industrial areas from infiltrating neighborhoods, but zoning is essential to ensuring towns and cities can function. For example, zoning can help control traffic, protect resources, and noise pollution.

Because each town has different geography, zoning laws are completely unique for each town and municipality. Generally, there are different types of zoning classifications. These include:

  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Agricultural
  • Sing-family residential
  • Affordable housing
  • Multi-family residential
  • Apartments
  • School

What Are Common Regulations and Laws in Austin?

There are a number of regulations across Texas you should be aware of if you’re looking to build a residential or commercial location. However, it is essential to remember that the municipality where you are building will have specific laws you must adhere to. As such, the zoning laws will differ from Austin to Cedar Park.

In Austin, for example, you may discover that in order to build a structure, you must ensure that it does not exceed a certain height for the zoning location it is in. Similarly, if you want to install a staircase on your property, risers cannot exceed seven and three-fourths inches, while the tread cannot be more than ten inches. Even something as seemingly simple as installing a chain link fence on your property has standards like ensuring it is secured properly and meets the minimum height of sixty inches.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

There are a considerable amount of zoning laws that anyone who wants to build in Austin or Travis County must consider. As such, enlisting the assistance of an experienced attorney who is familiar with the laws and regulations is essential to ensure your building is up to code. Unfortunately, one small error can set your construction project back for months until the issue can be remedied.

If you are getting ready to start building a location, it’s essential to enlist the assistance of Dillard Property Law to help you through this process. Our dedicated legal team will work to ensure that your property meets all the zoning regulations for your municipality to help prevent future legal battles. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.